Conning Innocence!

Courtesy : Original

All of us have been conned at one point or the other. It’s like if you are not conned you are not alive! Well, something like that 😛 . Each of us sure has at least one such heartening incident and some of us just cannot make up our minds on “which was the best”… or should we say worst ;).

These are the black and white incidents. We were either conned or we weren’t. At least we know which is which. Just how many of us have experienced a situation where we were left in the dark: were we or weren’t we conned?

It was an inconsequential 5PM on a Saturday evening, or at least we thought so. My parents and I were in no busy form. We’d had hardly any visitors that day until the bell was rung by a girl aged 22 or so with rustic “this is my first time in the city please help me” looks. When enquired she revealed that she was from BSNL, the telephone company run by the government and was here on their behest. My father ushered in the now “confidant looking” gal (naturally no one asked her for an id!) while mum and I were still waiting for the “unfolding of the mystery”. She sat on the sofa telling us what BSNL had been offering.

The background: when we’d opted for a BSNL landline connection, we had paid 1000INR as the security deposit and were given a phone instrument. On disconnection, we would be refunded 500INR from the same after surrendering the instrument. This is no secret as it being a government connection everyone’s bound to have it or at least know of it.

Now this gal told us that the new scheme was to buy an instrument with caller id for 500INR and surrender the “simple non caller-id” instrument given to us by the company. In fact on Monday, company personnel would visit us and take with them the old instrument and issue a receipt stating that we would now be entitled for a refund of 1000INR as against the earlier 500INR. She brought out a series of document and to authenticate further pointed out to the front door neighbour where her “colleague” was doing the same. When I peeped out I could see him shaking hands with the Uncle and start coming towards our house.

When this 22 yr. old boy came in, the atmosphere took a technical turn. He started to explain the functions of this phone and had pretty much gained the “trust”. Then we decided, it wasn’t a bad bargain after all and we parted with 500INR while they refused to keep the old instrument. They reiterated that the personnel would do the needful. We exchanged pleasantries, I going out-of-the-way and adding, “If you are looking for a job change” touch.

Courtesy : Original

Monday turned into another Monday and still brought no sign of the “personnel”. How could the government be so laid back in taking back its stuff! The ever prompt father of mine didn’t want to leave it to the personnel and took it personally to surrender.

There he discovered that no such scheme was in the offing and for sure we weren’t the only people to have “bought” such a thing! It was only that day that they had sent out a message in the newspapers of such a “scheme” being fake! The only comforting thing was that we were not the only people to have bought it!

From that day on, none of the three have even accidentally raked the issue even when my baffled sis kept enquiring of the origin of the “sophisticated” phone.  The phone gave services for just over two months before opting for VRS.

As we look at it to this day lying in the “may work someday electronics” section of our household, one recurring question in our minds is: Were we a victim of conning or new-age marketing tactic?!

About Sanmati Hiregoudar

I'am die-heard optimist who believes in taking each day as it comes. Does this mean am not futuristic!!??
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11 Responses to Conning Innocence!

  1. Great Article Sanmati !!
    “if you are not conned you are not alive..” is the classic.

  2. HAha..You are jet-speed Sandeep!! Thank you for upping the morale quotient!!

  3. Shri says:

    Check ids dear con kya hai pata chalega

  4. Sure pal..thank you for reading 🙂

  5. paresh210 says:

    wouldnt deny tht u were conned…but if u give a different thought altogether to the whole incident, dont u feel tht the gal and the guy who came across at ur place were more smarter than u or atleast smarter enough to make u believe in something that normally u should have known generally…coz as u only said – “This is no secret as it being a government connection everyone’s bound to have it or at least know of it”….so since the gal and the guy were pursuing u for the scheme werent u supposed to either know of it or atleast try to go thru sufficient amount of government papers thru her…anyways not coming out to say tht u were ignorant, but would just say tht those people were more smarter and thts the reason they get rewarded by people like us (what we officially call it as conning while we are actually being fooled by our own dumbnesss)…

    hey sanmati…as usual, would congratulate u again for writing down such a fine article in such a simple yet very effective language……!!

  6. Hey Paresh,

    You are absolutely right!! Well, like they say..when things ought to happen, they ought to happen! I really admire the couple since they outwitted 3 “smart-asses”!! For experience it was bad..but at least it got me a write up and reviews 😉

    • paresh210 says:

      hey it was not a bad experience for u i would say….rather it was a good experience for u so tht u wouldnt get carried away with such things and would become more aware of how to deal with such people or such fraudulent schemes….i would rather say tht u got “CONNED” with a very lesser amount and got a very good and a far more richer experience for u life…:))

  7. And Paresh, thank you for the detailed comment, it shows how interested you humbles and honoured 🙂

    • paresh210 says:

      would be thankful to u for giving all of us such gr8 articles….and why wouldnt i be interested in such articles…after all they are done excellently and also i too own some input in may be some or the other way… :))….

  8. Ajay Raju says:

    aweosme article , it made my day ! awesome , with few lessons to learn !

  9. Thank you made my day 🙂

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